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CDC, Brazil Health Ministry including FC2 in Zika prevention kits


ATLANTA - The Zika virus has hit the coast of Florida in the Miami area, specifically the Wynwood neighborhood, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Monday.

Based on the confirmation of local Zika transmission in Florida, CDC has updated its Interim Zika Response Plan and has released the Zika Community Action Response Toolkit to help states with risk communication and community engagement when local transmission is identified.

In addition, CDC recommends building a Zika prevention kit, which includes a bed net, water treatments, insect repellent, permethrin spray and condoms, inluding the female condom FC2, which is popular among South Americans, according to a New York Post report.

“We’re excited that more people are recognizing it as an option for contraception and to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, HPV and, most topically, the Zika virus,” Kelli Rodriguez, director of sales and education at the Female Health Company, shared with The Post.

The FC2 is sold in Brazil under the name Della, and is relatively popular in South America, she said.

"In Brazil, the Ministry of Health recently issued a statement indicating pregnant women should use condoms specifically mentioning the female condom to prevent the transmission of Zika," O.B. Parrish, Female Health Company chairman and CEO, shared with investors in July.

In the U.S., the company reports a “slow build,” but a “significant increase” in sales over the past three years.

CDC and Florida also issued travel, testing and other recommendations for people who traveled to or lived in the Florida-designated areas on or after June 15, 2016, the earliest known date that one of the people could have been infected with Zika. At Florida’s request, CDC is also sending a CDC Emergency Response Team with experts in Zika virus, pregnancy and birth defects, vector control, laboratory science and risk communications to assist in the response. Two CDC team members were already on the ground in Florida, three arrived Monday and three were scheduled to arrive Tuesday, August 2.

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