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CHPA, CADCA applaud Senate's abuse awareness month


WASHINGTON The Consumer Healthcare Products Association and the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America commended Senate Resolution 614, a resolution that designates August as National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month. Sponsored by Sens. Joseph Biden, Jr., D-Del., and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, the designated awareness month would help spawn community involvement and participation in efforts to educate parents about the dangers of medicine abuse among teens.

“Consumers have trusted the makers of over-the-counter medications with the health of their families for many years,” stated CHPA president Linda Suydam. “National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month presents a timely opportunity to build community awareness and alert parents and teens that abusing medicine to get a high is very dangerous.”

In recognition of the designation, CHPA and CADCA will be hosting town hall meetings nationwide with local anti-drug abuse advocates, substance abuse treatment experts, healthcare professionals, and policy makers, the two organizations announced.

“While surveys show that overall illicit drug use among youth is on a downward trend, unfortunately the rates of over-the-counter and prescription drug abuse are holding steady,” noted Arthur Dean, CADCA chairman and chief executive officer. “Designating August as National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month will help bring this issue to the radar screen, and I hope community organizations take advantage of this opportunity to raise awareness about this dangerous trend.”

Town hall meetings are already scheduled during August in Seattle; San Antonio, Texas; and Miami. This designation, if passed into law, would mark the second annual National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month. In all, CHPA and CADCA have hosted a total of 13 town hall meetings nationwide since August 2007.

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