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CHPA, CADCA commend OTC cough medicine abuse legislation


WASHINGTON The Consumer Healthcare Products Association and the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America on Thursday commended a U.S. Senate initiative calling for increase attention and awareness of prescription and over-the-counter cough medicine abuse among teens.

Sponsored by Sens. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, Richard Durbin, D-Ill., Dianne Feinstein, D- Calif., Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Senate Resolution 263 designates October as National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month and urges communities to educate parents and youth of the potential dangers associated with prescription and OTC medicine abuse.

“I applaud [these Senators] for introducing this important resolution,” stated Arthur Dean, CADCA chairman and CEO. “By designating October as National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month, it will help raise awareness of the alarming numbers of young people who currently abuse prescription and OTC cough medicines. Hopefully, this will spur a dialogue on this issue in communities across the country.”

“While we are pleased with our progress [with regard to this issue], raising awareness about the abuse of cough medicine remains a top priority for us. Continued support from the U.S. Senate coupled with our educational initiatives will help us in our efforts to stop medicine abuse,” added Linda Suydam, CHPA president.

In support of the effort, CHPA and CADCA are hosting town hall meetings nationwide during October, the associations announced.

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