Connectyx Technologies launches MedFlash
PALM CITY, Fla. Connectyx Technologies Holdings Group on Monday launched MedFlash, an interoperable personal health record storage device with, where it is retailing for $29.95.
“We are very pleased to offer MedFlash through, a leading online drugstore that recognizes the importance of personally managing one's own healthcare records,” stated Ronn Schuman, Connectyx CEO. “MedFlash is a significant step forward in healthcare that can protect individuals from serious drug interactions, and it’s absolutely invaluable in an emergency.”
MedFlash is designed to simplify and provide peace-of-mind solutions for healthcare with individual access to an Internet portal and a 24/7 emergency hot line.
Consumers recognize the need to be their own advocates, and MedFlash was designed with that in mind, Schuman noted. MedFlash is an easy-to-use, portable personal health and lifestyle record that allows consumers to choose what they wish to store. MedFlash can manage all areas of their lifestyles, focusing on wellness and prevention. It allows members to easily keep their history, medication records, treatments and lifestyle routines up to date on a device that they can carry with them. The device is seamlessly connected to any computer for routine or emergency access to important information. Serious drug interactions can be avoided, allergic reactions prevented and historical records accessed including X-rays, MRIs and CAT scans.