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Enactment of new drug-disposal law a victory for pharmacy, NACDS says


WASHINGTON Enactment by the White House of a landmark, pharmacy-friendly drug-disposal bill won quick praise from chain pharmacy leaders Thursday.


President Obama signed the Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act into law Wednesday, changing the way the Drug Enforcement Administration regulates the return and destruction of unused and unwanted higher-risk medications. The new law establishes a legal process by which consumers can return their lawfully obtained controlled substance medications to DEA-authorized entities for disposal.



The National Association of Chain Drug Stores dubbed the bill’s enactment “a victory for pro-patient, pro-community and pro-pharmacy policy.”



“Importantly, and consistent with NACDS’ urging, the bill prevents the mandating of drug take-back programs in pharmacies,” the group noted.



NACDS president and CEO Steve Anderson today thanked the President and the bill’s chief supporters in Congress, including Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Reps. Jay Inslee, D-Wash., and Bart Stupak, D-Mich.; and Texas Republicans Joe Barton and Lamar Smith. Those lawmakers, he said, “demonstrated a commitment to addressing the issue of drug disposal in a way that will not create new problems for public health and safety.



“The fact that this new law does not create a drug take-back program mandate for pharmacies means that these members of Congress listened and kept an open mind, and that deserves a great deal of recognition,” Anderson added. “NACDS remains committed to being part of the solution when it comes to advancing the safe use and safe handling of medications.”


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