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ForeArmed Active combines acupressure with brace


LOS ANGELES BioBrace, a medical device manufacturer focused exclusively on medical conditions related to repetitive motion and sports injuries, has begun distribution on its ForeArmed Active Implant Brace, which combines principles of acupressure with biomechanics technology, the company stated.

“Current treatments require the individual to refrain from activities that employ repetitive use of the forearm, which is often impossible for those whose occupation requires it,” stated Steve Cookston, founder of BioBrace. “Wearing ForeArmed allows workers and sports enthusiasts to continue to comfortably perform their jobs without adding stress to the affected area.”

Physicians from the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in California tested BioBrace’s ForeArmed on patients with tendinosis over a 26-week period, the company noted. All patients reported the brace was comfortable to wear while performing tasks of daily living—88 percent of the patients using the device reported relief of their symptoms and 68 percent reported “symptomatic relief and gain of strength.”

“What is unique about ForeArmed is the active implants inside the brace that puts pressure on specific points of the forearm and helps to relieve pain,” Cookston said.  “ForeArmed is also equipped with shock absorbing elements that alleviates stress on the afflicted area and improves healing.”

The Cedars-Sinai Medical Center study concluded that the ForeArmed Active Implant device represents “a promising treatment modality for lateral tendonosis which is easy to use, avoids more invasive intervention and is cost effective.”

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