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Kansas adopts NPLEx program, CHPA says


WASHINGTON Kansas announced last week that it will be the fifth state to implement the National Precursor Log Exchange, a statewide electronic tracking system that prevents the illegal purchase of medications containing pseudoephedrine.

“We are delighted that Kansas has joined a growing number of states, including Missouri, that are adopting NPLEx as their e-tracking program,” stated Linda Suydam, president of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association. “E-tracking stops criminals without putting additional burdens on consumers. The NPLEx system offers an effective solution for stopping illegal PSE sales and helping law enforcement identify meth cooks.”

The system not only will enforce purchase quantity limits in Kansas, but NPLEx systems can be linked together to prevent criminals from evading quantity limits by crossing state lines. Sheriffs in Kentucky reported that e-tracking led to as many as 70% of meth lab busts; and in a Florida pilot project, e-tracking reduced illegal sales by more than 90%.

The system is funded by manufacturers of over-the-counter medicines containing PSE, administered by the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators and operated by Appriss. Earlier this month, neighboring Missouri lawmakers announced the selection of NPLEx, joining other states, including Illinois, Kentucky and Louisiana.

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