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NAD recommends changes to Cinnergen claims


NEW YORK The National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus on Wednesday recommended that discontinue or modify several advertising claims for the company’s Cinnergen product.

At the outset of NAD’s review, explained that it had substantially reformulated Cinnergen, resulting in a significant increase in certain ingredients, meaning that the clinical studies that would have been applicable to support some of those claims were no longer sufficient.

• “Clinically proven to control blood sugar”• “Over half the patients in our clinical study were able to stop taking prescribed medication.”• “70 percent of people in our study had a decrease in A-1c levels!!!”

The advertiser also agreed to modify those claims that may lead consumers to believe that Cinnergen is a replacement for their normal insulin regimen, specifically that Cinnergen “Helps Insulin work more effectively” and “Cinnergen is a Natural Part of the Diabetics Diet!!”

The remaining claims, the asserted, are supported by clinical trials on comparable doses of key ingredients in Cinnergen.

Following its review of the advertiser’s evidence, NAD noted that while the studies, taken together, reveal that there is emerging evidence that cinnamon supplementation can be beneficial in reducing blood glucose levels and improving insulin sensitivity, NAD determined, among other things, the evidence in the record is not conclusive as to whether daily cinnamon supplementation should be recommended for type 2 diabetics or individuals who are insulin resistant. Accordingly, NAD recommended that the claims “Keeps blood sugar levels in normal range!” be discontinued, as well as the references to “nurtures vital cell generation” and “Guaranteed to Control Blood Sugar Levels” as well as the quantified performance claims which were based on testing of a prior formulation of Cinnergen.

NAD also recommended that the advertiser modify the claims that the product “promotes healthy glucose metabolism” and “[h]elps insulin work more efficiently!” to state that emerging science indicates that cinnamon supplementation may be beneficial in reducing blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetics and avoid conveying the unsupported message that there is conclusive or scientific consensus regarding cinnamon supplementation or Cinnergen’s efficacy. Further, NAD recommended the advertiser modify claims related to diabetes to avoid conveying the unsupported message that Cinnergen is a substitute for insulin or other medications prescribed for diabetics.

As for the antioxidant claims, NAD recommended that the claim “[p]rovides vital nutrients to turn sugar into energy!” be discontinued and that the claim “offers antioxidant benefits!” be modified to communicate that certain ingredients in the product – rather than the product itself –may provide antioxidant benefits.

NAD recommended that the advertiser discontinue the claim “Doctor Recommended Formula. Guaranteed To Work!” Finally, NAD recommended the advertiser modify the claim “Natural, Safe & Effective,” to remove the references to “effective” and “safe” and to make clear that the “natural” reference in the claim refers solely to the ingredients.

In its advertiser’s statement, said it is “disappointed … that NAD did not give greater weight to the clinical studies on ingredients in Cinnergen” but that “ appreciates the opportunity to participate in the self-regulatory process [and] will modify its advertising consistent with NAD’s decision.”

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