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NHBA announces first ever Heartburn Awareness Month


CHICAGO With heartburn remaining a painful problem for more than 60 million Americans each month, the National Heartburn Alliance is sponsoring the first ever Heartburn Awareness Month.

Recent survey results show that 66 percent of people experience heartburn symptoms during the holiday season. Additionally, an overwhelming 94 percent of people said they would enjoy the holidays more if they didn’t have to worry about heartburn.

Heartburn Awareness Month is designed to screen, educate and treat heartburn sufferers. The NHBA said that November was the perfect month to launch the sponsorship, since it marks the beginning of the holiday season.

“November is a perfect time for heartburn sufferers and healthcare professionals to address heartburn, because more people tend to over-indulge in holiday meals,” said Pat Baird, a registered dietitian and NHBA board member. “By incorporating lifestyle changes into their diets, heartburn sufferers can learn to alleviate symptoms so they can enjoy the holidays.”

Some suggestions the NHBA makes is not to overindulge, to avoid heartburn triggers and to keep one’s cool, as stress is a large factor in why people experience heartburn frequently—and not just during the holiday season.

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