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RLA Collective celebrates its 30th year


PLEASANTVILLE, N.Y. – RLA Collective, a leading integrated marketing agency specializing in health and wellness brands, recently celebrated its 30th anniversary.

"Over the last three decades we have evolved with the demands of the marketplace, offering a variety of services -- social media marketing, digital, public relations and traditional advertising, for over-the- counter (OTC), nutritional supplement, medical device and personal care brands,” said Robin Russo, president, who founded the agency in 1986. “This evolution has meant that OTC and similar clients who don’t have the largest budget or the biggest share of category can still have impactful marketing that works together without the overhead and management of multiple agencies.”

In addition to the digital access to consumers and the speed and volume in which marketing communication has increased, one of the biggest changes the company has been happy to see is an openness to discuss personal health topics both honestly and with empathy. 

“Years ago, we had to really dance around health topics that had to do with women’s bodies or aging, for example, but social media and an endless stream of content has forced the media and brands to be more open and honest about personal health,” Russo said.  “Consumers now expect direct answers to their health questions and we’re happy that we can affect that in the many different mediums available to us to answer these queries.”

To celebrate the anniversary, RLA hosted a virtual toast on the company’s Facebook page using the Facebook Live feature.  Colleagues and friends amassed over the years joined virtually. 


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