Sanofi US tethers a blood-glucose meter to Apple's iPhone, iPod Touch
BRIDGEWATER, N.J. — The number of healthcare diagnostic products featuring a direct link to Apple's iPhone or iPod Touch increased by one on Wednesday as Sanofi US announced the launch of the iBGStar Blood Glucose Monitoring System.
iBGStar is available for purchase at Apple Retail Stores and all Walgreens stores nationwide, online at, and through Diabetic Care Services, the company added.
“Many people with diabetes today rely both on their iPhone or iPod Touch and blood-glucose monitors as important parts of their daily lives,” stated Naina Sinha, an in-patient diabetes attending physician and assistant professor of medicine at a leading academic medical center and university in New York. “By combining these two essential tools, iBGStar makes it possible to provide blood-glucose tracking, monitoring and reporting together in a new way.”
When iBGStar is directly connected to an iPhone or iPod Touch and used with the iBGStar Diabetes Manager App, blood-glucose results are presented on the multitouch display quickly after monitoring. iBGStar also can be used independently to measure blood-glucose levels and results can be synchronized later to an Apple device.
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