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Survey results show baby boomers' pains affect their active lifestyles


FORT WASHINGTON, Pa. Results from a new national “Pain Poll” survey issued Friday of 50-something baby boomers found that while 77 percent of boomers think “50 is the new 40,” unfortunately 55 percent of baby boomers said that their aches and pains have affected their ability to maintain an active lifestyle.

The good news for 50-somethings is that 72 percent of males and females surveyed by the Pain Poll feel mentally 10 years younger than the age on their driver’s license; in contrast, the poll showed that 62 percent of 50-somethings feel physically the same as or older than the age on their driver’s license.

Overall, the Pain Poll found that 92 percent of 50-somethings have experienced aches and pains, and 52 percent said they experience aches and pains on a daily basis.

“Remaining active and exercising for 50-somethings may be harder because of increased joint and early osteoarthritis pain, but at this age it is important to keep exercising because this will strengthen muscles and help to reduce stress on the joints that they support,” stated Dr. Rosa Solorio.

Solorio is working with McNeil Consumer Healthcare, with support from the Arthritis Foundation, to help educate 50-something baby boomers about the importance of exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The education initiative includes the Keep Moving program, which was initiated by McNeil.

The Pain Poll was sponsored by McNeil Consumer Healthcare, the makers of Tylenol, and conducted by Harris Interactive.

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