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Weight-loss shelf winner


SALT LAKE CITY — “Biggest Loser” trainer Jillian Michaels continues to dominate flab on the small screen and at the diet shelf, too. Last month’s NBC mid-season premier captured 9 million viewers, up 14% from its previous season end, according to published reports. And Jillian Michaels diet aids garnered $20.8 million, up 273.7%, for the 52 weeks ended Dec. 26, 2010, according to SymphonyIRI Group data across food, drug and mass (excluding Walmart).

And now the “biggest loser” — at least among women — Ashley Johnston is teaming with Rite Aid around the chain’s Rite Weight Plan. Johnston will be promoting her BL Body collection of shape wear, available exclusively at Rite Aid, as part of a national radio tour.

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