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Amgen tries to retain market share on its anemia drugs


THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. Amgen is trying to keep the market on its anemia drugs Epogen and Aranesp, as well as Procrit which is sold under a license to Johnson & Johnson.

A competitor, Roche is nearing an approval from the Food and Drug Administration for its new drug Mircera. The company expects it to be approved by Nov. 14 thereby breaking the monopoly held by Amgen in the anemia drug treatment market.

Amgen has already sued Roche over patent infringement in Boston and the jury ruled in favor of Amgen. The two companies are still fighting in court.

Meanwhile, Amgen is deciding on ways to dominate the market in case Mircera does reach the market. The company is working on lowering prices and creating rebates and deal with companies that offer dialysis to maintain domination in the market.

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