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Bayer Diabetes Care launches A1C monitor


TARRYTOWN, N.Y. Bayer Diabetes Care announced the launch of A1CNow SelfCheck, a new A1C monitor that enables people with diabetes to check their A1C level at home.

Measurement of A1C provides an average assessment of blood sugar levels over the past three months, and is an indicator of how well diabetes is being managed. The Food and Drug Administration recently cleared Bayer’s A1CNow SelfCheck, which enables patients to more closely watch their A1C levels in between healthcare provider visits so they may modify their diet and exercise, or have a more informed discussion with their healthcare providers based on the results.

“A1C testing is an important measure of long-term diabetes management, however, some patients will skip having their A1C tested because they’re worried about what their healthcare provider will say if their A1C levels are not good,” said Steve Edelman, MD, founder and director, Taking Control of Your Diabetes. “A1CNow SelfCheck is a new tool that allows people with diabetes to test their A1C level in the comfort and privacy of their own home, to get the information they need to manage their disease in-between healthcare provider visits.”

The monitor, which is now available without a prescription and through leading online pharmacies, provides at-home results within five minutes, has an easy-to-use design and delivers lab accuracy. Measuring A1C levels is important for consistent diabetes management, as even a one-percent reduction in A1C reduces the risk of serious complications by 40%, Bayer Diabetes Care said.

“Bayer’s A1CNow SelfCheck provides patients with a new way to partner with their healthcare providers to better achieve good blood sugar control on both a daily basis and over the long-term,” said Sandra Peterson, president of Bayer Diabetes Care. “This new product builds on our history of innovation, which began with Bayer’s invention of the first portable blood glucose meter 40 years ago, and represents a significant step forward in helping patients simplify life with diabetes.”

A1CNow SelfCheck, available for purchase through leading online pharmacies, comes as a 2-test-kit for a suggested sale price of $29.99.

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