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Benzer Pharmacy joins American Pharmacy Purchasing Alliance


TAMPA, Fla. — Benzer Pharmacy announced Friday that it had joined the American Pharmacy Purchasing Alliance (APPA), a community of pharmaceutical experts and professionals working to advance the pharmaceutical purchasing industry. Now all of the more than 60 Benzer Pharmacy locations are members of the alliance. 


“We are excited to announce that all Benzer Pharmacies will be joining this alliance that offers industry-trusted education and information and acts as a trusted voice for the national pharmaceutical purchasing industry,” Benzer Pharmacy president Alpesh Patel said. 


APPA works to develop networking strategies and opportunities while developing new technologies and strategies to improve productivity. 


“Our goal is to keep members abreast of the latest developments and news in the pharmaceutical industry as well as offering educational opportunities for professional growth and empowerment.” APPA president Joshua Pirestani said. “APPA focuses on gathering different entities and sources of information that will become beneficial to the industry as well as to the parties concerned.”


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