Diplomat discusses role of patient advocacy on Pharmacy Podcast
FLINT, Mich. — Diplomat on Wednesday released its second episode in partnership with Pharmacy Podcast. The new installment discusses the role of patient advocacy within the specialty pharmacy field. Diplomat’s manager of patient advocacy, Brenda Hawkes, joins Pharmacy Podcast’s Todd Eury for this conversation.
“Patient advocacy means complete and thorough support of our patients throughout the nation,” Hawkes said. “The goal is to reach out to the advocacy groups and patient support groups that work with the patients who take the medications we fill prescriptions for.”
One notable component of Diplomat’s patient advocacy is outreach at patient support group meetings and conferences. Hawkes and other members of Diplomat’s staff work with patients, caregivers and advocates, regardless of whether or not they utilize Diplomat’s services, to provide information about the various resources for patient assistance that are available to them.
In addition to external efforts, Hawkes is also part of a team inside the company that works to coordinate staff education programs. Diplomat staff members have regular opportunities to learn more about what it is like to live with a serious disease or condition. The added education leads to improved care.
“I’ve always been impressed, [Diplomat is] such a large organization but they haven’t forgot their roots,” stated Eury, “and the patient advocacy is at the heart of it all.”