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DSN Women Leaders 2014: Lynne Fruth, Fruth Pharmacy


Lynne Fruth, the youngest daughter of Fruth Pharmacy’s founder, Jack Fruth, grew up in the family business. “My first job in the industry was as a kid passing handbills door to door and wrapping gifts in our first store,” she said. Following university, Fruth pursued a career in education as a teacher, educational diagnostician and field researcher for the federal government for 25 years.

Following the death of her father in 2005, she assumed the reigns of the proud regional chain, and today serves as president and chair of the board. “As the daughter of the founder of our company, I have a tremendous drive to protect the legacy of Fruth Pharmacy,” she said. “Critical values that I have been taught through watching my parents build a successful business: There is no substitute for hard work,” she said. “[And] I believe in servant leadership; in a small company everyone must wear many different hats.”

“My most important mentors were my parents. They instilled a belief in me that I could achieve anything. …  They also taught me to be a good teammate and to share the credit with everyone.” Fruth’s mother “is quick to remind me that I haven’t accomplished anything at Fruth by myself,” she said.

Jim Devine, president Chain Drug Marketing Association, also has served as a significant influencer to Fruth. “His model of integrity and honesty is a good one to follow,” she said.  

In addition to sharing the credit, Fruth focuses on lifting her people up. “My dad was very successful, and he made it his mission to bring as many people along as he could. He tried to help develop every person to the fullest of their potential, and as a result many Fruth managers and directors came up through the ranks.”

Fruth holds a BS degree from West Virginia University. Fruth sits on the board of directors for the National Association of Chain Drug Stores. In 2012, Fruth was inducted into the Marshall College of Business Hall of Fame, joining her father. 

To view the full DSN Women Leaders 2014 report, click here.

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