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Efficacy key to effectiveness at NACDS


Political science scholars use the concept of “political efficacy” as one measure of a society’s strength. It refers to the people’s belief that they have a say in their government and can affect its course of action. Could this concept help to explain your decision to engage in the NACDS Total Store Expo?

This conference was created from the fact that the NACDS membership not only has a say in the association, but also remains the very reason for the association’s existence. With the input of the membership, the NACDS board of directors acted boldly to announce the NACDS Total Store Expo in 2011, and to launch it in 2013.

The vision was to stop balkanizing the store and to create an opportunity for strategic discussions that span the pharmacy, the front end, health and wellness broadly defined, technology, transportation, distribution, logistics and more. Also motivating the exciting change was the desire to create a better-timed, more efficient and more integrated calendar of annual NACDS conferences. While achieving these objectives, NACDS knew that it would be necessary to sustain the standard-setting customer service for which our events have been known.

Call it “political efficacy” or “customer service,” but the NACDS Total Store Expo is designed to be all about you, and about your collaboration with your business partners to serve consumers and patients. The conference reflects that in the lead-up to the event, throughout the running of the event and in the follow-up.

Preparation remains key

I hope you found helpful the resources that were rolled out in the months prior to the conference — including online tools, instructional videos, webinars and even mentorship opportunities. The greatest levels of success arise from pre-planned meetings that have clear agendas. With the guidance of retailers and exhibitors alike, the resources were intended to help deliver that success.

The program is powerful

The conference agenda includes popular, tried-and-true features, including Meet the Retailer and Meet the Market. It also presents opportunities to feature and discover new products and ideas — from the Insight Sessions to the Vision 2027 and Product Showcase attractions in the exhibit hall — and to connect with people during the social functions. Really, every minute on the schedule and every square foot of the exhibit hall include tremendous potential. The most successful and savvy participants in the NACDS Total Store Expo always recommend engaging completely in the event, and not retiring to the hotel to check email. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard of a game-changer coming out of the decision to seek out one more meeting.

Follow-up is key — for your company and for NACDS

The program may say that the conference closes on Aug. 9, but not for those who truly maximize its value. From substantive meeting follow-up to timely thank you notes, there will be plenty to accomplish in the days and weeks ahead. Just as there are success stories from those who seek out one more meeting before wrapping up the schedule, there also are success stories from those who absolutely nail it with the follow-up. Likewise, we invite you to help NACDS with its follow-up, as well. Right after the conclusion of the conference, registered participants will receive a survey that will go a long way in helping to fine-tune this conference for next year and into the future.

Speaking of next year, it is never too early to plan ahead. We hope to see you next year in San Diego for the 2017 NACDS Total Store Expo — Aug. 19 to 22 — as well as at other NACDS events.

As you focus on the execution of this year’s conference, I hope you will meet with the success that you envision and for which you have worked hard. I also hope you will see numerous examples of the ways in which you and your colleagues have contributed to the creation and the refinement of the NACDS Total Store Expo.

Thanks to you, this conference is “efficacy” and “effectiveness” defined.

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