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FDA approves GSK's pediatric combination vaccine


NEW YORK Most children dread the multiple booster shots they must receive to protect them against childhood diseases, but GlaxoSmithKline has combined four of the shots into one.

GSK announced Wednesday that the Food and Drug Administration had approved Kinrix, a booster vaccine for kids aged 4 to 6 to protect them against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and polio with one shot.

Kinrix is approved for children who have already received GSK’s Infanrix, which covers DPT, or Pediarix, which covers DPT, polio and hepatitis B.

GSK’s announcement comes a day after Sanofi Pasteur’s announcement that the FDA had approved its 5-in-1 combination vaccine for DPT, polio and Haemophilas influenza type b.

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