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FDA sees potential link between proton-pump inhibitors and hip fractures, not heart problems


WASHINGTON When the Food and Drug Administration released a statement Monday declaring such drugs as Prilosec and Nexium had no negative effect on patients in regards to heart-related illnesses, it mentioned an unrelated potential problem, according to Reuters.

The statement stated that Prilosec and Nexium, while not having a link to heart problems, did pose a potential risk for hip fractures. According to the study on which the FDA is basing its review, the drugs, which are used to remedy severe reflux disease, inhibit the absorption of calcium in the body.

Last December, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported on a study suggesting that long-term use of the drugs, called proton pump inhibitors, increases the risk of hip fractures in adults over 50.

“Internally we’ve looked at the issue and we’ve asked the sponsors to send additional information and analysis,” said Joyce Korvick, deputy director in the gastroenterology unit at FDA, in response to a question during the press conference. “That is under review.”

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