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House investigates possibly misleading Lipitor advertisement


WASHINGTON Democrats in the House of Representatives are investigating as to whether or not consumers are being misled by advertisements for Lipitor featuring Dr. Robert Jarvik, the inventor of the artificial heart, the Associated Press reported.

Michigan Reps. John Dingell and Bart Stupak sent a letter to the drug’s manufacturer Pfizer on Monday, questioning the credibility of Jarvik, whom they believe is not certified to practice or prescribe medicine because he might not have taken the necessary tests or performed an internship.

Pfizer spokesman Chris Loder said Jarvik’s presence in the advertisements is meant to educate consumers on the importance heart health. “Dr. Jarvik is a respected health care professional and heart expert who knows how imperative it is for patients to do everything they can to keep their heart working well,” Loder said in a statement.

The representatives have requested that Pfizer turn over all of its information concerning Jarvik including its contract with him and any information about his professional qualifications.

Lipitor is the most prescribed drug in the U.S., with sales of $13.6 billion in 2006.

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