Kirby Lester to introduce updated tablet counter
LAKE FOREST, Ill. — Pharmacy automation manufacturer Kirby Lester has launched a version of one of its tablet counters with streamlined verification software.
The company announced the launch of KL1Plus, which it said combines the KL1 tablet counter with the updated software. The device will be introduced at the National Community Pharmacists Association and Department of Defense Joint Forces Pharmacy Services annual convention in San Diego this month.
"There is absolutely no reason why a pharmacy can't afford to verify 100% of orders now that the KL1Plus has been developed," Kirby Lester president and CEO Garry Zage said. "Pharmacies across the country have incorporated the KL1 into their operations. Now, they can use the KL1, plus verification."
The counter, which is seven inches wide and weighs eight pounds, is designed to verify all pharmacy orders so that patients receive the right medication, dosage and quantity each time, allowing the pharmacy technician to scan the barcode on the patient's prescription label and then scan the label on the corresponding stock bottle to ensure there's a match.
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