Mass. approves $1 billion for state life sciences industry
BOSTON The Massachusetts Senate has approved a $1 billion dollar bill designed to help development in the state’s life sciences industry, according to the Boston Globe.
The House passed the bill on Wednesday, which was followed by the Senate’s 31 to 7 vote in favor of approving the bill, a central piece of Governor Deval Patrick’s agenda.
The governor expects to sign the bill Monday, said his spokeswoman, Becky Deusser. Lawmakers are hoping to trumpet the legislation at an international biotechnology conference next week in San Diego.
Proponents of the bill said in Senate debate that the bill would boost the state’s economy while developing life-saving treatments. “This isn’t just for one industry. This will have an enormous impact over a longer run,” said Senator Harriette Chandler, a Worcester Democrat. She said the bill would also have an “absolutely revolutionary” impact on healthcare.
Senate minority leader Richard Tisei told members that the bill was an example of “pork barrel spending. …I just remind you that it’s the taxpayers that are paying. ... It’s taxpayers’ money, it doesn’t grow on trees.”