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MediSafe Project launches cloud-synced medication-reminder app


HAIFA, Israel — MediSafe Project has launched what it called the first cloud-synced mobile app to help prevent emergencies caused by over- or under-dosing medications.

The app, which is available for Android devices and compatible with iPhones and iPads, is designed to remind users when it's time to take medications and also send alerts to family members, friends and caretakers.

Brothers Rotem and Omri Shor started the MediSafe Project as a way to lower hospitalization and mortality rates, promote sustainable behavior changes that prolong health, decrease healthcare costs and help drug companies understand barriers to medication compliance. The inspiration came from their diabetic father's accidental double dose of insulin.

"Am American dies every 19 minutes from skipping medication or taking meeds incorrectly — the problem costs U.S. hospitals $100 billion every year," Omri Shor, the MediSafe Project's CEO, said. "MediSafe Project combats the staggering problem of medication non-compliance using everyday technology and the power of support systems to integrate healthier behaviors into patients' lives."

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