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MediSafe updates medication reminder app to allow automatic refills


HAIFA, Israel — Users of a medication-management app can now refill their prescriptions using an enhancement to it.

MediSafe announced Monday an updated version of its Medication Refill Reminder app allowing users to enter contact information for their preferred pharmacies and, once alerted that a medication refill is needed, to click on the pharmacy logo that directs them to the mobile refill page of the specified pharmacy. The app currently supports refills for Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid and Health Mart.

"One key issue tied to non-adherence is people's forgetfulness when it comes to refilling medications, which is why we implemented this new option to make it easier for users to act instantly when a reminder is sent," MediSafe CEO Omri Shor said. "Our mobile solution plays an important supportive role in helping people manage their medications properly, as well as their families, which motivates us to continuously update and make our applications more personalized and convenient for every user."


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