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My Clinic to open 12 clinics nationwide


HOUSTON Intrepid Holdings, founder of My Healthy Access, announced that subsidiary My Clinic company has opened twelve new retail clinic models in a national retail pharmacy chain, the company said Tuesday.

The first of these clinics, located in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio will provide care for non-threatening medical conditions, the company said. Certified nurse practitioners or physician assistants will provide care with physician oversight.

A leading provider of clinic, pharmacy and related healthcare services to the urban marketplace, Intrepid Holdings believes that these clinics will provide greater access to quality, convenient and affordable healthcare for non-emergency conditions such as pink eye, colds, and ear and eye infections.

“My Clinic offers patients access to a quality, convenient and affordable healthcare solution in their local community retail pharmacies that they trust and depend on for their prescription needs,” said Toney Means, president of Intrepid Holdings and chief executive officer the Clinic Group. “These patients now have the opportunity to receive quality, affordable and convenient medical care for non emergency episodic conditions in their local community pharmacy.”

Intrepid’s My Healthy Access currently operates clinics in select Wal-Mart supercenters in Houston.

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