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NACDS Foundation to recognize CDC and its collaboration against Zika virus


ARLINGTON, Va. – The Center for Disease Control and Prevention Foundation's Judy Monroe, president and CEO, will accept the 2016 NACDS Foundation Excellence in Patient Care Award at the NACDS Foundation Dinner on Dec. 1, 2016, in New York, the Foundation announced Monday.

“Dr. Monroe and the CDC Foundation have demonstrated a true spirit of collaboration through public-private partnership initiatives designed to help prevent the spread and the consequences of the Zika virus, and to address other public health initiatives," stated Kathleen Jaeger, president NACDS Foundation. “Dr. Monroe has dedicated her career to improving patient outcomes and fostering health and well-being in communities throughout the nation. Through her personal engagement in education, she has equipped countless health professionals to make a powerful impact wherever they serve. It is an honor to be able to recognize Dr. Monroe’s work – and that of her colleagues – with the 2016 NACDS Foundation Excellence in Patient Care Award.”

Monroe was named to her current role on Dec. 14, 2015. She joined the CDC Foundation from CDC, where she was a member of CDC director Tom Frieden’s senior leadership team. At CDC, Monroe served as director of the Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support from 2010 to 2015. Before joining CDC, Monroe served as the state health commissioner for Indiana from 2005 to 2010.

The NACDS Foundation helps support evidence-based research that advances patient care, pharmacy education, student scholarships and charitable organizations that improve patient outcomes.

The NACDS Foundation has continued to advance its mission this year through several vital initiatives, including a collaborative response to the Zika virus public health emergency with the CDC and the CDC Foundation, the March of Dimes and other stakeholders to raise awareness about the Zika virus and protect at-risk populations in Puerto Rico and the U.S.

The NACDS Foundation is also partnering with more than 100 pharmacies on an innovative Point-of-Care Testing program to chart the health benefits of community-based services for a variety of common ailments and infections. In addition, as public health authorities raise awareness about HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) testing and Hepatitis C awareness as a way to prevent liver damage and liver cancer, a study funded by the NACDS Foundation is evaluating a model which would improve patient care by increasing access to important HIV and Hepatitis C testing.

Demonstrating its ongoing commitment to supporting pharmacy education, the Foundation also provided $230,000 in scholarships and grants through its 2016 NACDS Foundation Scholarship Program.


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