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New PSA for Safeguard My Meds campaign features NCPA president, Oklahoma City mayor


ALEXANDRIA, Va. — In an effort to encourage the safe storage and proper disposal of prescription medicines, a campaign supported by the National Community Pharmacists Association has launched a public service announcement aimed at Oklahoma City residents.

The Safeguard My Meds campaign, which seeks to address prescription medication abuse among Americans, will launch a PSA that will air on broadcast television, radio stations and cable channels in the Oklahoma City metro area, as well as in the Daily Oklahoman, and will feature NCPA president and Oklahoma City pharmacist Lonny Wilson, along with Oklahoma City mayor Mick Cornett.

“It is time for all of us to call attention to this problem and work together to curb the abuse of prescription medications,” Wilson said. “The first place to begin is right at home. People can help keep medicines out of the wrong hands by monitoring the contents of their medicine cabinet. They should also encourage friends and relatives to safeguard medications in their homes and consult their community pharmacist about how to properly dispose of medications that are no longer needed.

“It is very important to remember that prescription medications have a legitimate medical purpose and can be very beneficial when used properly under the doctor’s supervision,” Wilson added. “The abuse of prescription medications can make it difficult for people who need these medicines to get the treatment they deserve.”

In addition to NCPA, the Safeguard My Meds campaign is supported by the U.S. Conference of Mayors and pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma.

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