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Ohio Northern University pharmacy students sponsor medication adherence events


ADA, Ohio — Students at an Ohio pharmacy school are taking part in a nationwide effort to boost medication adherence.

Ohio Northern University announced that the school's chapter of the American Pharmacists Association — Academy of Student Pharmacists — had scheduled several events as part of the Medication Adherence Challenge, sponsored by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.

The ONU APhA-ASP chapter will work with students and faculty from the university's nursing program to consult and distribute information concerning medication adherence on Feb. 2 during the ONU Health Fair.

The group also will distribute information at the Ada, Ohio, Rite Aid store, as well as events at the Lima, Ohio, Rescue Mission and a local independent pharmacy.

The ONU chapter is focused on improving medication adherence at Allen County Health Partners in Lima through education, counseling, pill boxes, timers, refrigerator magnet reminders, calendar stickers, handouts, phone calls and text messages, the university said.

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