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Study shows ADHD drugs after three years enjoy same efficacy as therapy


LONDON A new study conducted by the BBC’s Panorama program states that attention-deficit-hyperactivity-drugs do not work better than therapy after three years.

The data also coincides with a recent U.S. study that suggested long-term use of this class of drugs resulted in a stunting of children’s growth. These studies contrast sharply with a study conducted in the U.S. in 1999, which found that after one-year on an ADHD medication, a patient was better off when compared to behavior therapy.

The most shocking evidence that came from the BBC program was a study of a child who had been on ADHD medications for a decade. He both showed violent tendencies towards himself and others and was frightened by how he acted and felt.

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence is currently revising the treatment guidelines for ADHD.

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