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Walgreens pairs with actor Brandon Larracuente on '#ItEndsWithUs' campaign


NEW YORK — Walgreens on Wednesday launched its new campaign “#ItEndsWithUs” to educate teens nationwide on the opioid epidemic. The campaign will be unveiled by actor Brandon Larracuente from Netflix’s popular series “13 Reasons Why” and “Bloodline.”

“I have personally been affected by the opioid epidemic. My friend was only 19 when she died and it only took one wrong, risk-taking decision to cost her, her life,” Larracuente shared with more than 6,000 youth at the WE Day UN in New York. “I’m honored to work with Walgreens to raise awareness of the issue with my generation and let them know of the resources the company has made available to customers nationwide. This epidemic ends with our generation.”

The #ItEndsWithUs campaign provides teens with resources and positive steps they can take in their community, which are all available at the #ItEndsWithUs hub at 

Once there, visitors are greeted with a message from Larracuente and a personal testimonial from Francesca Paparone, a young woman who overcame her addiction and is now working with Walgreens to raise awareness. Together, both Paparone and Larracuente will speak to Walgreens safe medication disposal program that began in 2016 in their messages.

The safe medication disposal kiosks allow individuals to safely and conveniently dispose of their unwanted, unused or expired prescriptions, including controlled substances, and over-the-counter medications, year-round at no cost. The kiosks at Walgreens pharmacies are available during regular pharmacy hours and offer one of the best ways to ensure medications are not accidentally used or intentionally misused by someone else. Most people who misuse prescription drugs first obtain them from a family member or friend, often from a home medicine cabinet.

Kiosks are available in more than 600 pharmacies across 45 states and the District of Columbia. In its first year, the program has resulted in the collection and disposal of 72 tons of unwanted medication, or the equivalent weight of about 40 midsize cars.

The #ItEndsWithUs campaign launches at a time when the national opioid crisis has escalated into an epidemic of addiction and overdose. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, overdose deaths among 15-to-19-year-olds spiked more than 19% between 2014 and 2015. The CDC also found that nearly half of all opioid overdose deaths involve a prescription opioid.


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