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Wolters Kluwer Health partners with Bristol-Myers Squibb to provide sales data


Bridgewater, N.J. A company that provides information for the healthcare and other industries announced a partnership Wednesday with Bristol-Myers Squibb to provide the drug maker with prescription sales data.

Wolters Kluwer Health said it would provide HIPAA-compliant sales data to help Bristol measure business efficiency, control costs and determine sales-force effectiveness.The company said its data set captures nearly 80% of the prescription transactions in the United States and boasts data from the country's largest retail pharmacy chains."This is not only a big win for Wolters Kluwer Health, but the fact that Bristol-Myers Squibb selected us after undertaking an objective, thorough evaluation against others in the marketplace demonstrates its confidence in our data," Wolters Kluwer Health VP marketing business development said in a statement. "Adding another major pharma playear like Bristol-Myers Squibb solidifies our solutions as a clearly competitive offering in the marketplace."

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