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NACDS looks forward to ‘Future Value Targeting’

“Future value targeting” was the buzzword from Sunday morning’s NACDS Annual Business Program. NACDS’ “Future Value Targeting” initiative will continually look forward and anticipate the underlying issues that will impact the industry.

At NACDS, this focus has prevented the kind of rigidity associated with many trade associations, and has created more of a think-tank vibe.

“It may sound like a lofty term,” Steve Anderson, president and CEO of NACDS, told attendees. “We’re positioning and doing things right now that will lead this industry well into the future.”

Future value targeting also has positioned the association well in its advocacy around such issues as provider status, or its fight to eliminate DIR fees or prevent the Border Adjustment Tax.

“[One of] the roles of NACDS is to lead and participate in overall healthcare solutions,” said Martin Otto, chairman of NACDS, and chief merchant and CFO of H-E-B. NACDS is currently creating a forum to address pain points across the healthcare delivery continuum, from hospitals to pharmacies and from payers to providers, Otto said.

Earlier in the morning, Colin Mackenzie, region head, Americas at GSK Consumer Healthcare, addressed the evolving shopper dynamics impacting retail pharmacy. “Increasingly, consumers want control [of their health],” he said. “Our population has never been more diverse, [and] the idea of mainstream is obsolete,” Mackenzie added, noting today’s consumer is looking for personalization, convenience and digital differentiators across the many health product and service offerings available.

General John Allen, retired four-star Marine Corps General, closed out the morning session with a geopolitical size-up of “four-plus-one,” an assessment of the four countries and one organization that either do or could pose a challenge to the United States, including Russia, Iran, North Korea, China and extreme terrorist groups.
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