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Surescripts releases 2024 Annual Impact Report

The report reveals a double-digit increase in health intelligence sharing, measurably improving care quality, efficiency, access and affordability.

Surescripts is releasing its 2024 Annual Impact Report highlighting innovations and insights in health intelligence sharing that are improving medication safety and adherence, delivering more affordable care, enabling faster and more clinically appropriate decisions and closing care gaps.

“Innovating for impact is what drives everything we do at Surescripts—to benefit patients and the people who care for them,” said Frank Harvey, CEO of Surescripts. “In 2024, we focused on collaborating to advance interoperability and scale systemic innovations that are enhancing patient safety, lowering costs and improving care quality. This report shows much more than data, it emphasizes the incredible opportunity we have to continue this work alongside our network alliance partners towards our shared purpose of making healthcare better for both care providers and the patients in their care.”

[Read more: Surescripts E-Prescribing expands to veterinary medications]

"Our reporting shows that again this year, more prescribers are using Real-Time Prescription Benefit to help lower prescription costs for patients,” said Andrew Mellin, vice president, chief medical information officer at Surescripts. “Building on this momentum, we continue to innovate for impact with Surescripts Touchless Prior Authorization to streamline prescription prior authorizations in seconds, compared to the days or sometimes weeks it could take. Faster prior authorization approvals mean patients have answers before they leave their prescriber’s office and can access their medication therapy without delay.”

2024 Annual Impact Report Highlights:

  • Surescripts exchanged patient clinical and benefit information 27.2 billion times, a 14.2% increase from 2023.
  • 2.29 million healthcare professionals and organizations connected to the Surescripts network to access clinical and benefit information for virtually every insured American.
  • 2.6 billion electronic prescriptions helped patients get needed medications, faster and safer.
  • Nearly 900,000 prescribers used Real-Time Prescription Benefit to save patients an average of $82 per prescription and more than $1,000 per specialty medication.

[Read more: Surescripts reports healthcare interoperability reached record levels in 2022]

  • Touchless Prior Authorization improved efficiency and helped patients get needed medications faster by reducing the average time to approve a prior authorization from more than one hour to just 34 seconds.

The full 2024 Annual Impact Report is available here.

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