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What is the Future of Strategic Partnerships?


Suppliers are making more thoughtful choices about which retailers are best positioned to partner with moving into the future.  Retailers must be committed to building deeper and even more trusting relationships than ever before. Suppliers have options when it comes to who gets their next dollar, and successful partnerships must be transparent, relational, and both parties must be mutually invested in each other’s business.

We’re hosting a webinar dedicated to improving retailer and supplier partnerships in a post-Covid world, presented by Dan Mack, Managing Director of Mack Elevation.  The webinar will highlight supplier & retailer research conducted during the last 4 months, offering a blended perspective on the needs of both parties in a changing world of partnerships. Other topics we’ll cover:

  • How to critically assess the value you bring to your retail partners
  • Why 2-in-3 retail customers believe suppliers do not fully understand their needs
  • Thinking holistically about the financial, interpersonal, and longer-term attributes of the relationship
  • Why you must diagnosis your partners business needs and competitive challenges prior to all important engagements

This presentation will be invaluable for both suppliers and retailers who are looking to create deeper, enduring relationships with their top business partners.


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