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Men's personal care popular as more men shop


HARLEYSVILLE, Pa. The Natural Marketing Institute has identified men’s personal care as a key trend that will have a significant impact in 2007 and beyond, due in part to the fact that men increasingly are becoming the primary grocery shopper.

“More men are gaining exposure to the personal care category as a direct result of their participation as primary grocery shoppers,” stated Linda Povey, vice president of strategic consulting at NMI. “Men’s role as the primary grocery shopper has almost doubled from 26 percent in 1999 to 41 percent in 2006, allowing them greater access and interaction with products and brands.”

As a result, men will grow increasingly accommodated in traditionally female environments such as grocery, drug and specialty retail. According to NMI, the challenge will be for retailers to understand how men shop, representing a unique opportunity in effectively marketing and merchandising to them versus women.

This trend is driven in part by the increasing social and media pressure on men to be young, fit and well-groomed. In addition, the job market is flooded with aging boomer men who are striving to maintain their competitive advantage through a greater investment in their personal appearance. NMI noted that interest in having natural, organic and eco elements in their personal care products—not just in the foods that they eat—and the prevalence of these products in mainstream retail environments also is leading more men to the category.

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