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Alexia goes non-GMO, unveils new side dishes


CHICAGO -- A leading brand of frozen organic vegetables is expanding its offerings with two new products at the same time the company is going non-GMO. 

Alexia announced today that all of the brand's offerings will be non-GMO by the end of 2016. In addition, the entire Alexia line will be Non-GMO Project Verified within the next 12 months.

"We are already 90 percent of the way there with only a few items left to finish the process of Non-GMO Project verification," said Rob Johnson, senior brand manager, Alexia Foods. "We're excited about the commitment we've made and look forward to continuing to evolve our food to meet the Alexia consumer's preferences." 

Building on that commitment, Alexia is also announcing two new side dishes made with organic potatoes: Organic Savory Spice Sweet Potato Fries and Alexia Truffle Fries. 

Consumers can look for the Non-GMO Project logo on Alexia packaging and the brand's website. The ongoing list of Alexia's offerings that are Non-GMO Project Verified is available on the Non-GMO Project website.

Alexia products are available at natural, gourmet, club, grocery and mass retail stores.

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