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App gives users access to NuVal scoring system


NEW YORK — Health management services company ActiveHealth Management is offering the NuVal Nutritional Scoring System app as an interactive, educational tool to help people make healthier food choices.

The company began working with NuVal — which offers its nutritional scoring system to several supermarket chains, giving foods a score of 1 to 100, with 100 representing the healthiest foods — in 2010 to give users of ActiveHealth's personal health website access to NuVal, allowing them to have instant access to NuVal's nutritional scores through their smartphones and to store information about their food choices on the website.

"Our customers are looking for simple tools that help them make healthy decisions," ActiveHealth president and CEO Richard Noffsinger said. "By providing access to this popular, on-the-go nutritional scoring system and integrating it with our other healthy living tools on MyActiveHealth, we are empowering them to make those positive changes throughout the normal course of their days."

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