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Blue Diamond survey spotlights health resolutions for the New Year


SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Blue Diamond Growers, an almond processing and marketing company, announced the results of a recent national survey by Harris Interactive which provided a closer look at Americans' New Year's resolutions.

Nearly 75% of Americans will focus on healthier eating and improving fitness, according to the survey. The results also revealed that almost a quarter of Americans will ultimately fail to keep those resolutions for more than three months.

“It is encouraging to see people moving away from wanting to lose weight just for the sake of losing weight,” Ashley Koff, R.D., Blue Diamond’s Almond Breeze and Nut Thins Brand Ambassador, said. “These results show that Americans want to take an active role in improving their health and wellness, but need a little guidance on how to make sustainable changes.”

Respondents reported that the top challenges to sticking to their resolutions to be more health-conscious are avoiding sweets (59%) and not wanting to sacrifice taste when turning to healthier food options (58%). Over 50% of respondents recognized that small changes in their diets would yield big health changes.

“The reason most people abandon their health and wellness resolutions is that they realize a change needs to be made, but don’t know the exact steps to take to make that happen,” Koff said. “Adopting a healthier lifestyle doesn’t mean you should abandon your favorite comfort foods; it just means making small changes and experimenting with better-for-you ingredients."

Almond Breeze is hosting the "Breeze into the New Year" resolutions generator to help consumers commit to their health and wellness resolutions. The generator can be found at

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