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Butterfinger ends its intern search


GLENDALE, Calif. “Fun” appears to be the key buzzword for hungry summer job seekers. Butterfinger announced that its nationwide search for four FUNterns - digital dudes and/or divas who want to get paid to tweet, text, post, blog, blip, flickr, digg and more - has officially closed more than three weeks early due to an unprecedented response.

“Over the last four days, Butterfinger has received five times the number of applications typically seen for internship positions,” said FUNternship recruiter Tricia Bowles, spokeswoman for Nestle Confections & Snacks. “The overwhelming interest in this one-of-a-kind summer job is proof that Butterfinger has its 'finger' on the pulse of what excites Web 3.0 job seekers in today's virtual workplace.”

The Butterfinger Marketing Team will now review the hundreds of applicants’ resumes, cover letters, social media prowess and technical skills to find FUNterns in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago and New York. The final four will be announced on July 6th at

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