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Campbell Soup, letter carriers team with grocers to fight hunger


LAKELAND, Fla. To respond to declining stocks in food banks and a burgeoning number of Americans going hungry, Campbell Soup Co., is joining the National Association of Letter Carriers in an effort called Stamp Out Hunger! The effort asks the nation’s grocers to help to keep donations rolling into soup kitchens and pantries.

Some supermarket companies who have agreed to participate include Meijer, Publix, and Wakefern Food Corp. Each grocer has made a commitment to ensure donations keep coming.

May 10, approximately 230,000 U.S. letter carriers are scheduled to collect food donations at the time of mail delivery.

“Stamp Out Hunger! is a wonderful example of a nationwide effort to raise awareness and raise food for the hungry in this country,” Steven McFarland, spokesman for America’s Second Harvest-the-Nation’s Food Bank said. “It’s remarkable that we can coordinate a national effort like this that really pays off for hungry folks in local communities across the nation.”

Campbell has participated in the effort to prevent hunger for 15 years. This year it will donate 1 million pounds of food, the company said. More information on the Stamp Out Hunger! project can be at

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