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Coca-Cola's Give It Back racks a nod to sustainability commitment


ATLANTA — Coca-Cola has developed 100% recyclable display racks for use in U.S. grocery and convenience stores.

The new Give It Back racks are stand-alone units made of easily recyclable corrugated cardboard, Coca-Cola said. The soft drink giant said the merchandise displays expand its commitment to sustainability. The racks currently are being tested in select markets and are expected to become widely available in late 2011.

"Coca-Cola recovered 400 million lbs. of cans and bottles in the U.S. in 2010, yet we want to do more," said Gary Wygant, VP business development of Coca-Cola Recycling. "By creating a 100% recyclable merchandise display rack, Coca-Cola is asking grocery and convenience stores to join our sustainability efforts by returning or recycling our racks, just like we ask consumers to return or recycle our product packaging."

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