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ConAgra to fortify Swiss Miss hot chocolate


OMAHA, Neb. ConAgra Foods is expanding its Swiss Miss line of hot chocolates, targeting women with new, functional offerings.

According to a recent survey from ConAgra, 51 percent of women look to fortified foods to get their essential nutrients and more than a third would also like to get these from such indulgent foods as chocolate. The survey of 500 women between the ages of 25 and 44 also found that nearly three-quarters of the respondents want chocolate more that any other confectionary and consume caffeine at least once a day.

Looking to meet these intersecting needs, ConAgra’s new beverage offerings include Swiss Miss Pick-me-up cocoa swirls, which contain as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, as well as the amount of calcium and Vitamin D in a glass of milk. The company’s Swiss Miss Great Start cocoa is enriched with 15 vitamins and minerals. Additionally, the new cocoas have only 110 calories and two grams of fat per serving.

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