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Dixie paper plates toughen up with new Ultra line


ATLANTA Dixie has modified its patented rim construction on its paper plate products to make the plate 40% stronger, the company announced.

The new plates come in two different designs to appeal to a variety of consumers and are slated to hit store shelves next month.

New Dixie Ultra plates are available across the country in grocery, club stores and mass merchandisers. As part of this major product upgrade, Georgia-Pacific is supporting the product's rollout with new advertising that launched nationwide earlier this month.

The integrated campaign features a television spot in which a variety of foods - meatballs, fried chicken, pancakes, and sirloin steak - drop onto a Dixie Ultra plate in slow motion, emphasizing the strength of the new plate. The foods ceremoniously hit the plate in rhythmic fashion in time with the 1812 Overture. The print ads, online and in-store campaign components follow a similar theme.

"The new campaign focuses on the strength of the plate and the variety of heavy, messy foods that consumers usually don't believe a paper plate can handle," said Patrick Dodson, senior director marketing for Dixie. "The visuals in the new ads are key in demonstrating that the new Dixie Ultra is now the strongest paper plate in the market."

For more information on Dixie Ultra, and to see the entire line of Dixie tabletop solutions, visit

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