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Dr Pepper Snapple Group names new chief marketing officer, other shifts in management


PLANO, Texas Dr Pepper Snapple Group has announced a change to its managerial lineup; former senior vice president of marketing Jim Trebilcock has been bumped to the position of chief marketing officer, the company has said. Other management adjustments have also been made in the course of a wider reorganization effort, according to reports. Trebilcock, a 21-year veteran, will now report to president and chief executive officer Larry Young.

In other moves, former executive vice president of marketing and research and development, Randy Gier, has parted from the company; Rodger Collins assumes the lead of DPS’ finished-goods business; Mexico and Caribbean divisions president, Pedro Herran, will now also take on heading corporate strategy; and vice president of corporate communications Tina Barry will also take on a new corporate affairs role. Other management moves also will effect supply chain operations and other marketing divisions.

Dr Pepper Snapple Group currently ranks as No. 3 in the U.S. carbonated soft drink business, following Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo. Reports have stated that DPS’ annual sales total around $5.7 billion.

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