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E-smoking on the rise, report says


GAINESVILLE, Fla. Electronic cigarettes now are used by 1-in-4 smokers, claimed E Cigarettes National on Thursday, in a release touting the benefits of “e-smoking,” with much of the increased use occurring in the past year.

Tax burdens may be one strong indicator as to why the popularity of the electronic cigarette continues to grow, E-Cigarettes National stated. Calculating the actual cost of electronic cigarette use by the smoker shows another advantage. Some are making claims that the use of the e-cigarette cuts a smoker’s monthly bill down by 50% or more in relation to cost of tobacco cigarettes.

“[Consumers] love it because smokers are a lot smarter than the government and special interest groups give them credit for,” stated Tiffany Ellis of E Cigarettes National. “They see through the scare mongering and are seeing a difference in their wallets and purses after they make the switch, along with other benefits of making the decision to move over to electronic cigarettes.”

In the summer of 2009, the Food and Drug Administration issued a public warning regarding electronic cigarettes, stating the products contain carcinogens and such toxic chemicals as diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in antifreeze. “These products are marketed and sold to young people and are readily available online and in shopping malls,” the agency stated. “In addition, these products do not contain any health warnings comparable to FDA-approved nicotine replacement products or conventional cigarettes.”

The FDA has been examining and detaining shipments of e-cigarettes at the border and the products it has examined thus far meet the definition of a combination drug-device product under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The FDA has been challenged regarding its jurisdiction over certain e-cigarettes in a case currently pending in federal district court. The agency is also planning additional activities to address its concerns about these products.

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