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Ethical Bean launches eco-friendly coffee pods


VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- A leading brand of fair trade organic coffee is launching a 100% certified compostable single serve pod.

Ethical Bean, with a strong ongoing commitment to fair and environmentally friendly production practices, has gone one step further with an innovative solution to the large environmental challenge of single serve coffee plastic waste. Made from coffee bean chaff and other renewable materials, the entire pod can be thrown directly into the green bin and will completely break down in a municipal composter in less than 84 days.

"At Ethical Bean, we believe that when it comes to sustainability initiatives, third party verification is the gold standard. Finally we are able to add compostability to our fair trade, organic and B-Corp certifications," says Ethical Bean Co-founder and CEO, Lloyd Bernhardt. "Our new pods provide a better solution for single serve coffee drinkers who appreciate great tasting coffee and are concerned about the environment."

Ethical Bean's 100% compostable single serve pods are available on Amazon and at select US retailers.

It is estimated that 10 billion single serve plastic coffee pods are thrown into North American landfills every year, an issue that has reached an environmental tipping point globally.

Ethical Bean coffee is sold at retailers nationwide.


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