Eukanuba launches iPhone application
DAYTON, Ohio Want to know the best parks to take a four-legged friend? There's an app for that.
Eukanuba, a Procter & Gamble pet food manufacturer, announced Tuesday the launch of its Apple iPhone application, Eukanuba OFF LEASH. Users simply tap into the "Locate Me" feature and within seconds, the five nearest dog parks will populate the screen, complete with a map and driving directions. In addition to finding dog parks for man's best friend, users can access Eukanuba TV 24-hours a day and see original content that is all-things-dog, including "Planet Puppy," "Champions and Heroes," "Eukanuba Legacy" and more.
"Eukanuba OFF LEASH makes it easier and instantaneous for on-the-go pet owners to enjoy the outdoors and be active with one of their best friends - their dog," said Dave Minifie, Eukanuba associate marketing director. "Everyone here at Eukanuba is passionate about dogs and their overall wellness, and because of that, we work hard to ensure we're continually offering innovative and premium pet care products to meet the needs of our consumers."
The Eukanuba OFF LEASH iPhone application can be downloaded for free at The application is available for all iPhone and iPod Touch users. OFF LEASH fans also are encouraged to share their favorite dog parks so that they are added to the evolving park database. Eukanuba will refresh the database with new dog parks every two-to-three weeks.