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Fresh dominates at drug


Drug stores continue to offer more fresh grocery items. “Fresh fruit and vegetables are top grocery categories. There’s high demand for the products, and the size of the market is huge. So it makes sense that the drug channel is going after that business,” said Harry Balzer, chief industry analyst and VP of the NPD Group.

Greg Tradup, category manager of perishable, supplies and foodservice at McLane Co., said that drug stores are seeing a jump in sales of fresh fruits, juices and thaw-and-serve sandwiches.

Consumers rank vegetables as their No. 1 most frequently consumed food item and sandwiches as No. 2, according to Balzer. The drug channel is stepping up its offerings in those and other fresh food categories. “Changes in packaging and production for fresh sandwiches allow stores to offer a wider variety of options with a longer shelf life and better product integrity,” Tradup said.

McLane also offers a range of equipment solutions that employ cutting-edge “air-curtain” technology designed to promote impulse purchases. “We offer multiple selections in open air, stand-alone coolers ... to meet just about any need,” Tradup said.



The article above is part of the DSN Category Review Series. For the complete Grocery Buy-In Report, including extensive charts, data and more analysis, click here.

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